Best Lesbian Cougar Dating Sites


Disclaimer: Please note that the below picks represent our opinion. The final decision is up to you.

When you, a lesbian, are of a population that desires to have a much older woman, finding the perfect partner becomes a somewhat tricky chore. Asides the demeaning glances you are met with on your endeavors, there is a big issue of trust. Thanks to world advancement, there are now many online platforms that give you a wide variety of options. These platforms give you a lot of chances to meet a woman that perfectly fits your needs. With a large number of specifications made available on each site, you can choose just the perfect partner for yourself. These and many more are reasons you should check out these sites!


Victoria Dates, with its numerous beautiful reviews, makes for a very honorable mention when it comes to online dating. The platform has an amazingly large population of members, making it the perfect thing for when you want to do some serious searching. It is not strictly limited to cougar dating, a factor that perhaps makes it even more exciting, so you get to experiment! If you so desire to, creating an account will give you a chance to filter and express your needs. You can choose to seek for women of a much younger age or otherwise just as you want. You make all the rules on VictoriaDates!

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On VictoriaDates, every user has a detailed profile so that making a choice is as easy as possible. The platform has a simple layout that maximizes simplicity as you maneuver your way about the platform. One important thing to note is that VictoriaDates belongs to the Premium fraction of dating platforms. This one factor quickly discourages people, but you’d agree that it only makes it so that only the serious people opt for it. That alone makes your seemingly endless search for a long-lasting relationship finally come to a close. Being a premium site, VictoriaDates’ administration makes it a crucial task to keep the platform highly secure.


The added advantage to choosing VictoriaDates is that unlike the other premium sites, it lets every person of the appropriate age, sign up! That enables new users to get a sneak peek of sorts into the large variety of beautiful women and how the site functions. The simple and elegant site layout is easy to understand as you process joining the dating service. The most important part of the process is signing up, thus creating an account. Just as you read above, any one of the required age, 18, is allowed to become a member, an added advantage for broad age-gap relationships. You need to provide the necessary information like your name, age, sex, and more.

While doing this, the administration properly screens every new member, a security measure to ward off fraudsters. After this step, you are enabled to view other user’s profiles but to be a certified member; you have to complete questionnaires and buy a subscription.

You are required to fill two forms: one is to share details about the perfect partner you seek, and the second is for you to share personal information. The latter is particularly important as it encourages users, with similar interests, to approach you. That is especially important considering you are after getting yourself the perfect milf or otherwise, a much younger lover! VictoriaDates makes filling the questionnaires malleable so you can change any of your answers any time you’d like. It is important for people who find it very hard to disclose too much personal information as they start. The platform, however, makes sure to keep vital details like your email address a secret until you deem fit.



  • Lots of users: With its populous users, VictoriaDates is just the perfect place to get the woman that perfectly fits your needs. If you so desire, you can meet a black woman, and this makes the possibilities just endless!
  • The high-end security measures: On VictoriaDates, you can feel secure. It uses the newly-developed 128-bit SSL encryption technology so that nobody can save your photos, videos, or bank account details.
  • A friendly support system: The administrators are ever ready to help especially in rare cases where a user attempts fraud. Any member that asks another for money is permanently banned from the site, a necessary measure if you’d agree.


  • Expensive


Our next platform suitable for cougar dating is Asian Feels. Just as the name implies, it predominantly includes Asian women. There is a large variety of exotic women with beauty so breathtaking! Like the platform mentioned above, Asian Feels is not particularly limited to lesbian cougars, but even that can be considered an added advantage! The platform makes the seemingly impossible task of satisfying your desires for Asian women an easy feat. You express your passions by filling the simple questionnaire that pops up as you create an account.

This online dating platform also lets you become a user as long as you are aged 18 and above, as appropriate. It makes for a vast diversity in options when it comes to your needs to be in a relationship with someone of a broader age difference. With that, you are chanced to meet the mature, or as it may be a youthful woman you have been searching for all this time! You are sure to find a trustworthy person who has similar needs like you, thus kickstarting an everlasting relationship.

GETTING STARTED ON ASIANFEELS.COM provides a good tang to online dating, and that is the opportunity to meet cougar lesbians. As aforementioned, you can become a member as long as you’re 18. You’re required to create an account providing the usual details like name, birthdate, your specific love interests, email, and more. Much like the platform above, a 9-item questionnaire specifying the features of the perfect match for you pops up. While you don’t necessarily have to answer them all, you should keep in mind that it will form the basis for future matches that will be sent to you by the site.

Then you fill another which asks relatively personal questions about you. The 13-item questionnaire even allows you to write a quick message describing yourself in your own words! The items are rather important ones as they inquire about your:

  • Location
  • Birthday
  • Height
  • Body type
  • Marital status whether divorced or widowed
  • Number of children if any
  • Level of education
  • Religion
  • Occupation

Finally, you can upload a picture of yourself. On finishing these steps, the site immediately brings you women that best fit your specifications, and they even allow you to reset the parameters of you so desire! One kind to is that being a premium site; you are required to pay cash to maintain communication with other users. That, can, however, be considered advantageous for lesbian cougar dating.


Numerous reviews about litter the internet as its members come forward to share details about the wonderful variety of women that just seem to be the perfect fit! You’d agree that the most important advantage of online dating is that it reduces the chances of heartbreaks or embarrassing situations that you face when approaching a person physically.



  • Creating an account is FREE
  • An ever-growing community that presents you with a wide circle of opportunities
  • Powerful search qualities
  • A tightly secured platform for online dating
  • A highly supportive team always ready to respond to inquiries or complaints


  • Pricey


both platforms, VictoriaDates and AsianFeels, have a special thing about them especially when it comes to lesbian cougar dating. On VictoriaDates, with its large community, you have your chances of meeting someone situated close to you a high possibility while AsianFeels is the go-to for the adventurous spirits!